Middle School

A well-rounded education is provided in the Middle School to create an educational experience that brings together academic, social and emotional learning which provides students with essential pillars to build a firm foundation for happiness, fulfillment and success in life. The objective of this approach is to support and nurture young adolescents to grow and develop into confident, able and responsible young adults.

The ethos of the Middle School is primarily focused on the following :

  • We foster a culture where everyone has the freedom to develop their own interests and discover their potential; an environment where intellectual curiosity and critical thinking are lauded; where students strive for excellence in everything they do.
  • We value co-operation, empowerment, choice and accountability.
  • We encourage personal growth and fulfilment of academic potential.
  • We care about our learners and provide unconstrained learning opportunities through a supportive environment that brings incremental improvement, leaving no one behind.
  • We inculcate attributes of resilience and the ability to act appropriately whilst being secure in their own character.
  • We reinforce values of respect and equality in a pluralistic school environment.

Amidst all of this, there’s never a dull moment in the Middle School!

Generation Z and Alpha students venture to carve their own way in the world regardless of aptitude or chosen subjects. We imbibe skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity in the curriculum to prepare them for a world and future in which “Change is inevitable, but growth is essential”.